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11. Understanding Narcissistic Modes in Schema Therapy.


In schema therapy, 'Modes' are a key part of the model.  Schema Modes have been defined as  moment-to-moment emotional states and coping responses that we all experience.  But also, Modes can be understood as 'parts' of self.  So modes can be observable to others and/or also a way to conceptualise the idea of multi-selves (ie, that we all have parts of self).   

Schema modes are activated by triggers (eg, life situations, memories, interactions with others, our own thoughts & feelings, random events)  that we are especially sensitive to (ie, they are salient for us/meaningful to us in some way).

Many schema modes lead us to over or under react to situations and, thus, to act in ways that end up hurting us or others and also reinforcing and perpetuating our schemas.

In this episode, Gemma and Justine discuss some of the modes that are especially relevant to Narcissism.

These modes are: (1) angry child mode - a core child mode (2) Bully & Attack mode - a coping mode (3) Martyr Mode - a coping mode and (4) Self-Aggrandiser mode - a coping mode.  While there are other modes which might be relevant, we discuss these four as particularly important in understanding the behaviours and motivations of the person who is exhibiting narcissistic traits.