Meet Justine

BSocSc (Hons), MSocSc, MPsychol (Clin), PhD

I know it is a big step to choose to work with someone as your coach and mentor so let me tell you a bit about myself.

I’m a therapist with 20+ years of experience in mental health. I started off in research but eventually completed my Clinical Masters and PhD. This is where I met my bestie and co-founder Gemma. We quickly discovered that we shared a deep curiosity about the ‘why” of people’s mental health difficulties and shared the same view that Schema Therapy was the best way to understand this “why” and make lasting changes. This propelled us to create The Good Mood Clinic, a clinical psychology practice, in Sydney, Australia in 2008. The Good Mood Clinic focused on providing Schema Therapy to help people address their mental health conditions and increase their wellbeing. Most importantly, we wanted to give our clients the opportunity to go beyond just short-term symptom relief.

But how did we get interested in helping women find and keep good relationships and avoid red flags? Two things came together.

Firstly, circa 2004 Gemma and I and our friends were a bunch of intelligent, beautiful, successful women who wanted to meet partners. Online dating was just taking off and we all gave it a go. We quickly discovered that it was literally a jungle out there – lucky we had each other for support. It just seemed so hard! There were schema triggers everywhere!

Our experience was then mirrored in the experience of our clients who were seeking psychological therapy.

We very quickly saw the value that Schema Therapy could have in unravelling this complex world of romantic attraction and sexual attraction to the wrong guys. After seeing hundreds of women over the years we distilled our knowledge and experience into The Red Flag Project in 2020. We also started our online membership The Schema Circle where we help you Know Your Schemas and start your schema healing journey. And here we are….

How would I describe my approach as a therapist and coach? Well …. I am understanding, non-judgmental and ever curious. In fact, I never stop searching for better ways to do things and better ways to help. My mind is always open. I’ve sometimes been described as a straight talker - I strongly believe that a part of my role in your self-development is to bring to light those things that are keeping you stuck and making sure you see it for yourself. I make sure that I don’t collude with your schemas! I certainly like to get right to the heart of things with people I work with, to explore what’s not working in their lives and then help them take positive steps to do something about it.

When I’m not being a schema therapist I’m busy planning my next holiday, hanging out with my three children and working out the next best place to have breakfast (my favourite meal of the day).

"Hi, I’m Justine Corry – so nice to meet you 😀"

Schema Therapist, Dating & Relationship Coach, Leaders & Entrepeneurs Coach